Saturday, October 30, 2010

Time to carve the pumpkin!

This year Halloween was SO much fun. Ethan was into it, we had a lot of Halloween parties and parades to go to and overall just enjoyed the holiday.

We got two pumpkins to carve and Ethan helped with both. And yes, he really IS standing on our dining room table. Not the best parenting decision--but he loved being able to see down into the pumpkins. Next year I think we'll try a different approach. :)

Nana and Uncle Scott were visiting at the time too!

Digging out the "goop"! We didn't get a picture of it because we were all cracking up, but he started to fling the goop across the table. Very entertaining! And, after we had the pumpkins all hollowed out, he proceeded to start putting all the goop back into the pumpkin. I mean...that IS where it came from in the first place, right!?!?

Love this pic of me and Mike!