Thursday, February 24, 2011

Preparing for baby #2!

We put together the baby's furniture today! yay!! We absolutely love it. It's cinnamon color which looks great in the white room. Stay tuned for more photos of the finished product :) We made a "house" for Ethan out of the boxes for the furniture which was really fun! We colored the side of his house and made a window. He LOVES his baby sister already! haha.

Ethan's "house" made from the furniture box

Daddy putting together his daughter's furniture!

The coolest playdough parking lot...ever!

Today was craft day at the Haymaker house! We played for a long time with playdough and Ethan was most proud of the parking lot we made for his cars. He has started to say "cheese" when I break out the camera--which is AWESOME! He has the cutest smile in the world when he says it too. Here's a picture of Ethan's baby doll who we named after the baby to be in Mommy's belly! And that name is.....(Sorry Mom H...I KNOW you were thinking I would accidentally give it up!). He loves his baby and he carries it all around the house. We bought a stroller for her too and he takes her for walks too. She sits at his little table too. VERY sweet.

Ethan giving kisses to his baby

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Perfect day to "grill" a snowball!

Today was really the last snowfall of the year (I think!). We didn't get really any snow this year! I am pretty sure that mother nature watched me buy Ethan's snow suit and boots and was laughing to herself-- haha! Oh well! We did make the most of the little snow that we did have though. We had less than an inch today and EVERYTHING got canceled even his speech therapy for the week :( Ethan and I got our "special" boots on and went out in the snow and played. We had a lot of fun! He wanted to make snowballs so we made a whole bunch and kept them in a bucket. Before we came in he insisted that we bring one with us. I put it in a bowl for him inside and he couldn't have been more thrilled that there was an actual SNOWBALL inside!! He immediately put it in his grill...that IS the best place for a snowball, right?? Then we played in the sink and watched the snowball disappear under the water. One of my most favorite things about being a mommy is seeing that absolute amazement with everything in life...little things that we often overlook like a snowball melting in water :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Ba-Bye Boo"

So this is hysterical and I HAD to add it to the blog. This week for some reason (Mike and I have NO idea why!?!?!) Ethan has been saying "Ba-Bye Boooooo" when he is saying bye to someone. He has been saying "ba-bye" for a long time and with the most perfect southern accent too! But all of a sudden he started to add "boo" to it! I have several friends who call their kiddos "boo"...but neither Mike or I have ever said that to him and in fact we have specifically not said it to him. It is honestly so funny though that Mike and I have to completely turn away from him when he says it so that we don't prolong his new use of ebonics!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Yummy Mommy Sweetheart Valentines Dance

It's Valentines Day! My mom's club did a SUPER cute event this year called the "Yummy Mommy Sweetheart Valentines Dance". Everyone dressed up their kiddos for the event. Ethan looked very dapper in his little oxford shirt, sweater and pea coat--but then again I am a bit biased! haha. I could NOT stop hugging and kissing him he just looked so darn cute! There are a few pics below. At the party he got to make his own Valentines bag and we had a Valentines exchange. During the party we had a huge dance party --picture about 30 mom's and their kids ranging from 6mos to 4 years all dressed in red jamming out to a variety of "hit" kids songs. VERY fun! The highlight for Ethan a "yellow" lollipop that he found in his Valentines bag from his friend Kate.

Getting ready to go to the party :) In the picture above at the door--I couldn't believe how much he looked like Mike!

Digging into his Valentines bag

The highlight of the party for Ethan--a "yellow" lollipop from his friend Kate! Only the 2nd lollipop he has ever had so you can imagine the enjoyment!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The word of the week--yellow :)

This week is a big speech week for us! As you can imagine we are SOOOOO excited!! We could literally listen to him talk all day and night. So the word of the week this week...yellow! Ethan will literally seek out things in the house that are yellow just so that he can say the word--it's very sweet. Plus, he has started to say "hi" to everyone which is adorable. We went to a birthday party last week and he sat down at the kids table and said "hi" to all the kids. They were all around 2-3ish. It was so CUTE! He says "hi" to his "boosh" bear when he wakes up and when I go in to get him in the morning he says..."Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii" very drawn out. New words this week...he can now clearly say "Nana, Nanny, Pop-pop, Pap" he also says a ton of other words like...up, down, out, off, on, etc. And he has started to put 2 words together like "up please" "more please" "mommy do" "i do" "i will" "i want" "mommy down" etc. This is a HUGE breakthrough for us! Phonetically--he is constantly amazing us and our speech therapist. He can pick out almost any letter in the alphabet and tell you it's phonetic sound. He can also say and recognize colors (he still has a little trouble saying green and orange though). This week we were getting into the car and he saw a dog. He said..."daaa...mommy's...pepa". I was dog when I was little was named Pepper...he was telling me my dog's name. I told him that months ago when we were reading. It was adorable!! We're definitely getting there! yay!!! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Only 10 weeks left!

Wow, as of yesterday I am 30 weeks pregnant with our baby girl! I can't believe I only have 10 weeks left. We went to our Dr. appointment yesterday and everything is right on target! The doctor did say though that given that I had a 9lb 7oz normal delivery last time--that this time, they don't want me to go more than 39 weeks or 40 at the absolute most. She said that second babies who follow a big baby are 4-6 oz more than the first one! That would be a 10 pounder. I know the Presley side of my family was known for big babies so maybe it's genetic? I remember my grandmother saying that she had at least 2 babies over 10lbs. Yikes! So we might be having a very early April baby instead of mid-April. I am still praying though that my little girl is born on my Nunny's birthday--April 14th. Whatever God's plan is though, will be! Here's a picture of me at 7 mos.

This week we went to see a kids singer/banjo player on Wed and then had lunch with 5 other moms and kiddos at a cute little pizza shop. One of my mom friends has a 2 year old and a 4 week old. I got to hold the 4 week old and Ethan did SO well with it! He was gently petting the baby's head and tried to give him nuzzles. It gave me hope that he is going to adjust better than I have been thinking! Then today we had his coop playgroup. It was my turn to work. I caught a glimpse of Ethan putting a baby doll in a high chair and trying to pretend feed the baby a variety of things--a huge loaf of fake bread, a fake ice cream cone and then his sippy cup. He is going to be such a good big brother! I just know it :)

We've been reading a lot of books about bringing home baby. His favorite came from Aunt Ann and Uncle Tom. He LOVES that book. We read it 3 x in a row before nap yesterday. We have been using her name a lot too so that he gets used to hearing it. And this weekend we are taking him to pick out a baby doll that he can take care of. He is very excited about this adventure! We have been talking to him about it all week.