Friday, May 27, 2011

Our little diva is 6 wks!

Here are some new pics of Natalie at 5 and 6 weeks! I can't believe that she is already 6 weeks old. She has grown so much!! I notice her hands especially look so much bigger.We gave her a bottle for the first time this week--she did great! Mike enjoyed feeding her too. :) We will probably give her a bottle once or twice a week to make sure she continues to take it. Natalie has also started to take a passie much better now. She still spits it out here and there but for the most part, she takes it (and makes a "yoy...yoy...yoy..." sound with it! very cute!).
Last weekend we went to a new park with our big boy and little fashionista. Mike was dying when he saw the outfit I had on Natalie, complete with a matching bow! The park was awesome! We met a new family there (they have a 2 yr old girl Ella and a 3 week old girl Abby) and ironically our friend Sasi was there too with Daniel. It was such a fun day. Abby and Ella had a super fun bubble blower that they shared with Ethan so they kids had a blast!

Ethan talking to Natalie in her bassinet.

Natalie's first bottle. :)

Natalie chilling in the nap nanny--best invention ever!!

Big smiles!!

LOVE this picture of her! :)

Little sister onezie from Aunt Cindy! Ethan was tickling Natalie's belly and Natalie was smiling and cooing at Ethan--ADORABLE!!!

Sleeping outside on the back porch while Ethan and I played with the sand table :)

More pics from our home photo-shoot!

Ready for the park! Complete with matching bow :)

Natalie's first skirt! She had matching shoes too! Our friends were DYING when they saw her at the park! :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Weenies and Pirates "Boobies"

Ethan has TAKEN off with his speech--he is doing amazingly. Not only does he say anything that we say, but he has a complete conversation with us. He has an incredible memory too. He understands the possessive and associates people and objects with one another, he can look at pretty much any book on his book shelf and tell you the exact title. We were listening to music the other day and he said..."mommy who sings this song?" I was like..."Humm...I don't know buddy." His response..."It's Van Halen". He remembers kids names that we meet on the playground when I don't even remember them! He has such an imagination too for a 2 1/2 yr old--it constantly amazes us!

The name of this post is "weenies and pirates boobies" because the other day for lunch, we were having hot dogs and Pirates Booty (an all-natural corn puff type thing), I said...Ethan, tell Daddy what we had for lunch today. He said..."weenies and pirates boobies"...Mike and I were in stitches!

He is doing so well with Natalie too. He still has his moments, of course, but for the most part--he wants to see what she is doing, wants to show her everything and tell her about everything and looks for her all the time too. We went to the park the other day with our friends and when we got there and he saw his friends, he started to play. Two minutes later he turned to me and said..."mommy where did Na-ee go?" he didn't see the stroller because another stroller was blocking his view.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Natalie is one month old!

Natalie is one-month old!! Oh my goodness time is flying by with her! She is doing wonderful. Smiling and cooing a ton and squealing with excitement here and there. She has such a sweet temperment too and is starting to sleep MUCH much better. At her 4-week check-up she did great. She weighs 11 lbs now and is in the 75th percentile for weight and 90th for height. We have had several photo shoots at home with different outfits and bows :) SO fun to have a daughter to dress!! I just ordered a bunch more bows on Etsy so look for more photos soon! This week we got into the car to go to the park and Ethan looked over at Natalie and said..."cute outfit Na-ee"! I just about died it was SO sweet!! Here are some pics of our angel girl at one month! Enjoy!!

Oh how I love ruffles!

This is a blurry shot because I was SO excited that she was lifting her head so high during tummy time. I was cheering her on and not paying attention to the camera. haha.

Mike and I both love this picture of our baby girl!

More bow shots :)

Auntie Colleen came for a visit! Here she is totally making me look bad--LOL. She has Natalie in the Moby and her son, Gus on her lap and she is watching Project Runway while I slept for a few minutes. Ethan was sleeping too. She is SUCH an amazing friend!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The latest and greatest from the kiddos!

Natalie is 3 weeks old! She started to smile this week! yay!! Ethan also started smiling at 3 weeks so it's very fun to see. She smiles the most at Ethan, actually--haha :) It's adorable. He gets really close to her and pats her belly or rubs her head and says "hi Na-ee, I love you Na-ee" and she smiles! It's absolutely incredible. When she cries says ..."it's okay's okay". Ethan has been very helpful too...getting diapers for me and wipes and "helping" to change Natalie's diaper and hold her. He pops her passie back in when it falls out too. He seems to love being a big brother! Natalie is doing well with tummy time too--she actually seems to like it. She lifted her head at birth and has been VERY strong since--but now she lifts it for a pretty good chunk of time and moves it from side to side when she is on her belly. She is a cuddle bug and LOVES to be held still. She is so snuggly that it's hard to put her down sometimes! She is doing so well nursing--she is already 10 lbs and 5.1 oz at only 3 weeks!! She has been gaining 2 oz a day :) The dr was very pleased with her weight gain and no more needing to wake her to be fed--AMEN! Other than that--life is going well with Natalie!

This week Ethan, Natalie and I ventured out to playgroup for the first time. It went really well thanks to the fabulous Moby wrap (thanks a million Colleen!). Natalie slept the whole time in the Moby and I was able to walk around and play with Ethan hands free. I feel like I am starting to get a hold of this mommy of two thing!

Ethan is doing GREAT too! He is talking up a STORM. The speech therapist said that he no longer has a speech delay and we will be decreasing to 2x a month with her and then will be ending speech therapy in the early summer! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! We are so so SO proud of Ethan. He is doing amazing. The other night when Mike was putting lotion on the back of Ethan's ear for his excema...Ethan said..."no daddy...hydrocortizone cream then aquaphor" LOL. He repeats pretty much anything we say with ease. He also has started to say "please, please please" when he is asking for something (3 pleases seem to be better than 1???) :)

Here are some pictures of our life lately!

Smiles at Nana! Natalie loved spending time with Nana and gave her smiles right before she left to go home to FL :)

Loving tummy time! As Col says..."let they anger fuel you!" haha.

About to smile at Nana

Oh how I LOVE these two!!! And I can't take enough pics of Natalie sleeping with her mouth wide open! It's just so cute! Here she is sleeping soundly on daddy :)

First real bath for Natalie--she loved it!

Ethan was "helping" Natalie with tummy time by cheering her on. It was adorable! We didn't pose him either...he wanted to lay how "Na-ee" was laying.

Playing at the park with daddy! Ethan wanted to help push the stroller. He loves to play soccer and really any other kind of game involving a ball. Here's an action shot of him kicking the ball.

The cheeks have arrived--YAY!!!!

Ethan showing off his new rocks! He loves to collect rocks right now--especially "baby" rocks. And he and Daddy go to the creek and throw rocks, one of Ethan's most favorite things in the world! (and Daddy's too!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 2!

Natalie is just a little over 2 weeks old. We had our first outing to the park with Ethan today! So far things are going well. Natalie goes for her 2 week check-up tomorrow. I am excited to see how she is doing :) This week her sleep patterns have changed quite a bit. She will be awake for an hour or more at a time now. And she loves to be held still! She will give us up to 4 hours of sleep when she is held. When she is in the crib, pack-n-play, bassinet, etc. maybe 1 hour at a time. Yikes! We are working on that though!! haha! Here are some pics of Natalie at 2 weeks.

Already wrapped around daddy's pinky!

Talking with daddy in the crib :)

Spending time with Nana.