Monday, May 16, 2011

Natalie is one month old!

Natalie is one-month old!! Oh my goodness time is flying by with her! She is doing wonderful. Smiling and cooing a ton and squealing with excitement here and there. She has such a sweet temperment too and is starting to sleep MUCH much better. At her 4-week check-up she did great. She weighs 11 lbs now and is in the 75th percentile for weight and 90th for height. We have had several photo shoots at home with different outfits and bows :) SO fun to have a daughter to dress!! I just ordered a bunch more bows on Etsy so look for more photos soon! This week we got into the car to go to the park and Ethan looked over at Natalie and said..."cute outfit Na-ee"! I just about died it was SO sweet!! Here are some pics of our angel girl at one month! Enjoy!!

Oh how I love ruffles!

This is a blurry shot because I was SO excited that she was lifting her head so high during tummy time. I was cheering her on and not paying attention to the camera. haha.

Mike and I both love this picture of our baby girl!

More bow shots :)

Auntie Colleen came for a visit! Here she is totally making me look bad--LOL. She has Natalie in the Moby and her son, Gus on her lap and she is watching Project Runway while I slept for a few minutes. Ethan was sleeping too. She is SUCH an amazing friend!!

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