Friday, May 20, 2011

Weenies and Pirates "Boobies"

Ethan has TAKEN off with his speech--he is doing amazingly. Not only does he say anything that we say, but he has a complete conversation with us. He has an incredible memory too. He understands the possessive and associates people and objects with one another, he can look at pretty much any book on his book shelf and tell you the exact title. We were listening to music the other day and he said..."mommy who sings this song?" I was like..."Humm...I don't know buddy." His response..."It's Van Halen". He remembers kids names that we meet on the playground when I don't even remember them! He has such an imagination too for a 2 1/2 yr old--it constantly amazes us!

The name of this post is "weenies and pirates boobies" because the other day for lunch, we were having hot dogs and Pirates Booty (an all-natural corn puff type thing), I said...Ethan, tell Daddy what we had for lunch today. He said..."weenies and pirates boobies"...Mike and I were in stitches!

He is doing so well with Natalie too. He still has his moments, of course, but for the most part--he wants to see what she is doing, wants to show her everything and tell her about everything and looks for her all the time too. We went to the park the other day with our friends and when we got there and he saw his friends, he started to play. Two minutes later he turned to me and said..."mommy where did Na-ee go?" he didn't see the stroller because another stroller was blocking his view.

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