Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SO many updates!

Hello hello! We are back to blogging--I took a little break for a while, but here we are back by popular demand :) It's been so long since my last update so I have a lot to cover in this one. Both kids are doing great! They are such sweet sweet kids and we could NOT be more proud of them. We are totally into a groove these days and are just loving life and enjoying the summer! It's been a BUSY one!! So here we go for updates:

Natalie is almost 15 weeks old! Tomorrow actually, she will be 15 weeks. She rolled over for the first time at 8 weeks and has done it here and there since (belly to back). Now she is working on going from back to belly. She laughs out loud a ton (that started at about 10 weeks), she grabs just about anything and puts it right in her mouth. She discovered her feet and hands around 10 weeks too and she has been actually trying to sit up already! When you sit her in your lap with her back to you, she leans up to sitting all on her own. She started sitting in the bumbo too and loves that. She also has found her voice--she babbles and coos and screams too (in excitement). Overall--she is a very chill baby. She kinda just goes with the flow! I can't believe how fast she is growing up though! My goes so much faster with the second baby. Oh and the other thing that she does is when she is on her belly--she more or less scoots...she will actually get from one side of a playmat to the other and move in a complete circle too. Very funny to watch. She also recognizes her name now too when you call her and recognizes voices too. She's a doll! We (okay...well, maybe not we but me...haha) have loved dressing her up. My mom's group friends say she is the best dressed 3 mo old! I have to agree!!

Ethan is such a SWEEEEEEET and polite AND happy 2 1/2 yr old. I have actually had mom's ask me what I do at home to make him so polite! I drop him off at coop every Friday and the girls working last week were like..."I want to take him home with me!!" I guess during snack he said..."may I please have more pretzels?" and then said "thank you" when they gave him more. He is my little buddy. He is SOOO hysterical too. Here are a few Ethan-isms that we love....

"whobody"--we say somebody, nobody, etc. so why not whobody?!?! He says this when asking me who something belongs to.
"fart car"--smart car
"hello gorgeous" --he started to saying this to Natalie...LOL
"ipods"--edamame pods :)
"see you later--I have to go whole foods...get some stuff" (putting my purse on and daddy's shoes...Mike isn't terribly pleased about the purse!)
"I love Giada--she's pretty" (sometimes we put on the cooking show while I nurse Natalie...Ethan has fallen in love with Giada!"
"Let's talk a little bit..." there have been times that he has said this that we are in tears laughing so hard...
"nice to meet you" (plus a handshake) After Natalie's baptism party...he saw my brother saying nice to meet you to some after the party the next day at dinner he reached out his hand and said..."nice to meet you mommy, nice to meet you Nana...etc" VERY funny!
"What's your order? Coming up one minute!" Taking food orders to make in the kitchen--he actually adds salt and pepper like Giada does on the show...LOL.
"let's rock and roll people..." I put Ethan in the stroller and was packing the basket underneath and getting ready to go...and he said this to me. I was dumbfounded and in stitches!

There are SO many more as you can imagine--but there are a couple for your reading enjoyment! We are still working on potty training...taking it slow. It has been really driven by him so far...he is doing well with it...but we still have a while to go!

Here are some pics lately so you can see what we've been up to! We've had lots of visitors and have been keeping very busy. We are headed to FL in the end of August for vacation--can't wait!!

"Queen of the crib" so true!!

LOVING her thumb!

PSU girls babies!

Taking a snooze on Auntie Tray and TJ

Headed to a party! :)

"Are those MY hands??--wow!"

Our sweeties!

Tummy time before church :)

Dressed up for church

All smiles!

Taking a nap with Nana

On the back porch with daddy--love the shades!

Beautiful girl!

Holding hands with Ethan--this happens a LOT and ALWAYS brings a tear to my eye!

Finally captured that eye brow on camera! haha!

3 generations of girls! :) wishing with all my heart that my nunny could have been in this picture.

2 mos old!

we had my friend from mom's group come over and take some pics of us...we loved this one the best...truly captures parenthood!

deep in thought.....

My little yogurt face!

The most fabulous rock garden

Bike riding with Daddy!

Ethan's argyle socks--he LOVES these and asks to wear them...all. the. time.!!

Aunt Cindy came to visit!

Nana and Ethan playing outside

Ethan's "squirt face"

The chicken pox!! My poor little guy when they just started.

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