Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Today is Ethan's actual birthday. He is 2 years old! It is hard to believe that 2 years has gone by. It truly seems like just yesterday that he was born. Our sweet sweet baby boy. Mike and I could not feel more blessed to be his mom and dad. God has truly blessed us with the most amazing gift. From the way he laughs, to how he smiles with his eyes (just like his daddy!) and the way that he softly pats us on the back when we hold him, we are so in love with this little guy. At his 2 year check-up the doctor was so pleased with how he is doing! Happy and healthy and a "smart cookie" as the doctor said. He is measuring off the charts for height & 90th percentile for weight.

Here are some pictures of his birthday cake that we had the night of his birthday. Nana flew in to celebrate with Ethan. That morning I made his favorite breakfast and then we played and went to Chuck e Cheese for lunch. It was a very laid back and fun day!

Ethan decided during dinner that he really wanted a birthday hat. So Mike disappeared and came back with a homemade creation. Such a good daddy!

Ethan thoroughly enjoyed his birthday cake! He licked the icing off the candle and then after we cut his piece and he ate it--he picked up the rest of the cake! It was hysterical.

Our family photo that night, Nana and Ethan and a picture of what was left of the cake after he was done!

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