Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ethan and Miss Lauren

Ethan started speech therapy back in October. He is doing so well with it! He has low muscle tone in his mouth, which from what I have read and what our speech therapist explained--is a very common issue with boys. It's also very fixable. "Miss" Lauren (aka "La-La") comes to our house 1x a week and works with Ethan. It's all based on play so he doesn't even know it's work! It's truly a blessing. Ethan has started to say so many words now! We could NOT be more proud of his progress. Lauren calls him her "super star" kiddo. She said that his fine motor skills are very advanced, along with his receptive language and his attention span with her. Lauren does some really fun things with Ethan. Here are two examples. Making homemade playdough and a marshmallow snowman.

While making homemade playdough, Lauren works on articulation. "Put in", "Dump", "Sticky", "Done", etc. Ethan started to spread the spoon on her hands and he just thought that was the best!

Here's the masterpiece snowman that Ethan and Lauren made. They used icing to put the marshmallows together, pretzels for the arms and mini marshmallows for the eyes. Sprinkles for the hair. And notice that this snowman has a bellybutton? Ethan wanted to add that on. :) This session was about words like "push", "on top", "more", "stack", "yum yum" etc.

And the finished product--"ta da!"

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