Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a girl!

When we first found out we were expecting baby #2, both of us had said how nice it would be to have a baby girl but both of us just prayed for a healthy baby! I remember when people asked me early on..."what do you think you are having" I would say..."I think it's a girl". But, before our ultrasound I went to visit my Nunny in Pittsburgh who recently had a stroke. The stroke affected her verbally. So she really can't say too much. When I went to see her, I was talking to her and telling her about the baby--I said, "Nunny...what do you think it is?" She looked at me and said with complete clarity--"it's a boy...but you know that." My mom and I were SHOCKED. I thought for sure she had to be right. Maybe she knew something I didn't?? Who knows. So day by day I really became uncertain about what it was going to be boy or girl...but I still had the gut feeling it was a baby girl.

We went for our 20 week ultrasound and the baby was measuring right on for a 4/14/11 due date and everything looked good. The baby's legs were so tight together that the ultrasound tech was having a hard time seeing what it was. But then all of a sudden right at the end of the ultrasound, she said..."oh, I can see now--you guys are having a baby GIRL!" We were both so shocked to hear the confirmation and so excited! Ethan didn't know what the hoopla was about and we kept saying--"'re going to have a baby sister" his response...."no, no, no." haha.

We feel truly blessed that the baby is growing as she should be and extra blessed to welcome a daughter to the world! (The first Haymaker girl too!)

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