Sunday, March 20, 2011

Talking up a storm!

Today Ethan said the whole alphabet on his own--no help from Mommy and Daddy!!! We were so excited! The letters that he couldn't say just a few weeks ago he says perfectly. Plus, when he sees a word, he tells you how many of each parents were visiting a couple days ago and my dad had a "Cornell" sweatshirt on. Ethan said..."one-C", "two-L", "one-O" etc. We were trying to figure out what he was saying and then it dawned on us--he was spelling out my dad's sweatshirt! It was SO sweet. He does that now with most words that he sees. And--he can almost count to 15 on his own too! He counts to 10 perfectly with no help and can almost say 11, 12, 13, 14, 15!! He is just doing SO well with the speech--Mike and I could NOT be prouder. He says 3-4 word phrases now too. After his bath tonight he said..."bye bye cookie...(cookie monster is on his toothbrush)...out see Daddy...wawa" He wanted to go see Daddy and get a drink of water. He is really doing so so well! Anytime I say..."look buddy a (, plane, car, etc)" he says..."I want to see".

We also had our maternity pictures taken today and he was kissing and hugging my belly. He lifts my shirt--gives my belly a kiss and hug and then says "ba bye baby" and pulls my shirt down. VERY sweet. We were taking a picture today and he just put his ear down to my belly. It was sooooo adorable!! I will be sure to post some pictures as soon as I have them!

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