Saturday, April 16, 2011

Natalie Gianna is here!!

We are so excited that our little angel is finally here!! Natalie Gianna Haymaker was born on April 16, 2011 at 3:25 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs 13 oz and was 21 3/8 " long at birth. I am so excited that I was able to go into labor on my own rather than to do another induction.

Labor started at about noon on Friday, April 15th when I was at the park with Ethan. I just had really mild contractions that were completely manageable and similar to what I had been having over the past couple weeks. By about 2 in the afternoon they started to be more regular and 20 min apart. So I started to get everything ready "just in case" this was it. By 10 p.m. my contractions were 10 min apart and more intense. They lasted that way the whole night so I really wasn't able to sleep much. By the morning they were 5 min apart at breakfast and really starting to hurt. I called the Dr. and she told me to come in to get checked. When I did was 4 cm dialated--yay!! So they admitted me. I got the epidural early this time and it completely stopped my contractions. So, they pushed Pitocin afterall. Thankfully I had the epidural though this time before I had pitocin contractions! :) By the time it was time to push, the epidural had worn off almost completely other than in my right leg. I had asked the nurse to turn up the dose but by the time she did--it was too late. Natalie was born just about 25 minutes later. She was "sunny side up"--which I had never heard of before!

She was just perfect! We were all in love immediately!

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