Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Pancake" lunch--Mommy and Ethan's special date!

Today I took Ethan to Clemyjontri park in McLean, Va. I told him we were going to have a special date today :) We packed our picnic lunch (or as Ethan called it our "pancake lunch") and we left early in the morning. The weather was beautiful! I am just soaking up every second with my little buddy before the baby comes. We stayed on the swings for almost a half hour--one of Ethan's favorites right now. "Mommy, I go wee...up high" meaning...he wants me to push him high on the swings :) Wee=swings. Very sweet. He met a friend at the park named Mia and they were pretending to be Cheetahs and race on the track that went around the park. Mia was 4--and quickly became Ethan's most favorite person! Then we had our "pancake lunch" and were home in time for nap time. Such a great day! It feels so good to have everything ready for the baby and be able to enjoy spending time with my sweet sweet boy.

Ethan's speech is still coming along great! There are so many things that he is saying, but here's a couple cute things that I thought I would share:

"mommybies" = he wants to hear Mommy's lullabies (his favorite bedtime cd)
"I think..." (with hand on his cheek)= thinking about the answer to a question
"I wait..." when we leave the house and I (inevitably) forget something upstairs he "waits" for me at the bottom of the stairs.
"Don't move..." I got Ethan out of the car the other day, put him down and said...Ok buddy--I need to grab our bag and before I could say it...he looks at me, put up one finger and said "don't move" was adorable!! He is SUCH a good listener and so very observant. He waited right by the car while I got the bag out.
"left, car...go quick..." when we cross the street, he holds our hand and when we are about to cross we have been pointing left and then right and then if there are no cars...we cross quickly. He has started to point left and then point right, and then says no car go quick. He actually does a great job of pointing left and right too!

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