Friday, April 22, 2011

Spending time with my sweet sweet boy!

Ethan has been adjusting well to our new family dynamic--but we really try to do something with him each day where he gets mommy and daddy's full attention too. He made some finger painting masterpieces this week! We've been taking lots of walks too since the weather has been so nice. Ethan has been talking up a storm too. He will literally say every word that we say or at least try. He has been cracking us up with things he says and remembers. He is just SO incredibly smart and observant. He loves to ask...."what kind" and "what is that" and "what's that sound". He'll say..."Mommy, what's that sound?" I'll say..."oh that was a truck buddy..." he'll say..."what kind of truck?" I'll say a white pick-up truck and he'll say..."what kind of white pick up truck." We LOVE that we can have a full out conversation with him! It's adorable. The speech therapist is so pleased with his progress that he no longer has a speech delay and we will be decreasing services in the next month or so!! Yay!!! We could not be more proud of him!

Ethan loves to go for bicycle rides with daddy too!

My artist! :)

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